About Tom

My Story
As the son of a vet I grew up in a house surrounded by animals in various states of health: from the more common: dogs, cats, sheep and horses to the more unusual: badgers, hedgehogs and for about 6 months, a seagull.
Having completed my 4 year undergraduate degree in osteopathy in 2010, I immediately went in to a further year of study at the Osteopathic Centre for Animals, gaining a postgraduate certificate in animal osteopathy.
I still see two legged patients two days a week at not just backs in Salisbury, and have a specialist interest in sports injuries as I have Masters degree in Sports and Exercise Medicine.
For the rest of the week I treat animals: mainly dogs and horses with the odd duck and alpaca thrown in. They’re brilliant to be around, loads of fun to work with, and they are easier to understand than humans.